
Swiss seminar in the history of medicine 2023-2024: Therapeutic Approaches

The sixth and last lecture of the Swiss Seminar in the History of Medicine will take place at the University of Fribourg (Pavillon Vert, Jardin botanique, Chemin du Musée 6, 1700 Fribourg) on May 30 from 17h-18:30h.

Pr. Philipp Osten (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf) will talk about “Omnadin: A Vaccine Against Everything.

If you would like to participate but cannot make it in person, you can join us via zoom using the following link: Link.

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Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Affiche_CH_Seminaire_HistMed_2-724x1024.jpg

Past events

Online Work iN Progress Seminar

Please find below the program of the SSHMS online work in progress seminar for the fall semester 2023. The seminar provides (early career) researchers with a regular platform for sharing and discussing their work. If you would like to attend, please write to: or .

17.11.2023 (15-16:30h)

Jasmine Lovey (University of Fribourg): La vaccination contre la variole: les enfants au centre des intérêts politiques, médicaux et familiaux, 1800-1830 (Vaud, Fribourg et Neuchâtel).

Comment: Laurence Monnais (IHM, Université de Lausanne)

08.12.2023 (15-16:30h)

Henrik Jochum (University of Zürich): Unity and Complexity: National Chickens, Hybrid Animals, and Feed Additives in the Swiss Poultry Industry between 1900 and 1962.

Comment: Margaret Derry (University of Guelph)

Pdf-program fall 2023

Infectious diseases as drivers of change:
a scientific and historical perspective on past, present, and future

29–31 January 2023, Rigi Kulm
